Winning the Pick3 – Live at Keeneland – Oct. 3rd – 25th

                        Join me in Lexington for the Keeneland fall meeting. Where we will everything that the racing fan needs to know about successfully wagering on modern racing. The focus of our study and wagering will be the Pick3, Pick4, and Pick6. Perhaps the most consistently lucrative wagers that the bettor CAN win… consistently.

Join me for a three day weekend of racing at Keeneland and I guarantee that I can show you how to consistently win these wagers. We will make every bet on these together. I know we will win, and I guarantee that you will.

No, we won’t stay up all night handicapping, it just isn’t necessary.

We will be using my Ability-X ratings, they will allow us to see every winner that the handicappers can’t see in the past performances that they use.

You and I will get together every morning for a couple of hours and I will teach you everything that you need to know about winning the Pick wagers. Then we will go to Keeneland and place those wagers together and you will see how the factors we discussed in the morning play out on the track, and in the results. Then, we will do it again the next day.

You can schedule for any 3-day weekend of the meeting, Friday thru Sunday, the last weekend starts on Thursday and ends on Saturday, the 25th. My focus will be on you during that weekend, but to make sure that you get more then your money’s worth, you are invited to attend any other day that you can.

Beside the 4 three day weekends, there are 5 free-for-all days that you are welcome to attend, here is the schedule:


First – Oct, 3rd, 4th, and 5th

Free for all – 8th and 9th

Second – Oct, 10th, 11th, and 12th

Free for all – 15th and 16th

Third – Oct, 17th, 18th, and 19th

Free for all – 22nd

Fourth – Oct, 23rd (Thurs), 24th, 25th (Sat)

Schedule for a weekend, and attend every racing day that you can.

Total cost will be $399,  each weekend group is limited to 10 people/couples.

The Pick3. A wager where you bet on the winner of 3 consecutive races.

Below are a few examples of how my Ability-X ratings point the way to consistently winning the Pick3,4, and 6 wagers.

Email me for the full Keeneland spring meeting, and examples from Saratoga, Arlington Park, and Delmar.

Let’s see how simple it is with a few races from Belmont on July 16th.

3rd – 7.5fD       

# /POST/ErlSpd /ML/Comp

203   5   100  4.5   303
220   2    99     12    319
135    1    96    3     231

192    6    94    5    286
188    4    88    1.8   276
164    3    86    6     250

5    Love Co   10.20    6.00    3.90

4th – 8fTurf               

# /POST/ErlSpd / ML/Comp

145    2    100    6     245
144    9    94    20    238

86      8    91     5    177
113    3    89    20     202
122    4    86    50    208
96      7    86    4     182

101    5    81    2     182
108    6    79     4.5    187

6    Fios    8.80    4.40    2.50

5th – 9fTurf               

#/POST/ErlSpd / ML/Comp

76    7    94    6     170
77    8    92    4    169
87    5    84    15    171
61    4    82    10    143

90    1A  82    8     172
86    3    79    5     165
75    6    79    3     154
109  2    76    3.5  185

1A    Codeword     27.40    11.20     6.20

$2 Pick 3  $769.00  5-6-1

6th – 6fTurf               

# /POST/ErlSpd / ML/Comp

536    4    96    20  632
379    3    91    12    470
363    1    89    1.6    452
420    9    87    6      507
432    6    86    20    518
342    5    85    15    427

327    2    84    2      411

2   Talbots Shopper    6.50    3.50     2.30

$2 Pick 3  $376.50  6-1-2

Using my Ability-X (left #) ratings to compare abilities to the favorite #4, that is supposed to be the most able horse. #6 is close to equal, and so is #5.

Without bothering to try to figure out which one is best, I’ll just bet the three of these in a Pick3 with 3 from the next two races. Cost $54

Here, #5 is the favorite, and that one is supposed to be the best. #6 is really close to the same rating, and #8 is lower, plus a lot faster being 10 points faster in early speed. I’ll put those three in on my Pick3 bet.

I’ll bet another Pick3 with these three and the most equal three from the next two races.

#6 is the favorite here, so 75 must be pretty good, and #7 has almost the same rating while being 15 points faster in early speed. Usually the Ability rating is higher as the early speed goes up, so #1A is really close too, being 3 points higher in early speed. That is worth 60 rating points . So 1A is at least equal with the favorite, #6. They go into my Pick3 also, and with the longshot #1A winning, the Pick3 pays really well at $769.00. Well #1 is the favorite, but #2 has the lowest rating, and #3 is 2 points faster in early speed, since that equals 40 rating points, #3 is about equal to the favorite.

That gives me 3 contenders for a second Pick3 win paying $376, and it doesn’t matter which one won.

It is just that simple.


Ability-X – Saratoga 7/26/2008  Saturday – The horses are listed in order of early speed, and that is the rating on the right. The Ability-X rating is at left. First time starters or foreign shippers are listed in green and their ratings are notable at 150+.

1st – 6fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

286    8    99     3.5    385
290    5    98     1.8    388
306    2    94    20     400
255    7    92    10     347
300    3    92    20     392
275    1    90    4    365
375    9    89    12    464
296    10    86    10    382



2nd – 6fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

363    5    95     30    458
332    8    91    12     423

135    2    0    15     135
172    3    0     2    172
161    1A    0     3    161
4    0     6
167    6    0    4    167
148    7    0    6    148


3rd – 8.5fTurf

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

117    2B  102    10     219
97      9    93     20    190
84      1    85    5     169
112    10  85    6    197
99      2    84    10     183
86      4    84     8    170
117    7    83    6     200

110    3    82    4.5     192
104    6    80     3    184
163    8    0     8    163


$2 Pick 3    $109.00         8-3-3

4th – 9fD     

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

66    7    96   3.5   162
69    1A  93    6    162
76    3    93    8    169

42    2    92     3   134
55    5    91     2   146
73    8    91   20    164
101  4   87    20    188
97    6   85   12     182


$2 Pick 3    $262.00         3-3-1

5th – 8.5fTurf  

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

130    6    95    15     225
113    11   93    15    206
137    7    93    30    230
69      5    92    5     161

83      10  90    20     173
95      3    89     3    184
53      2    88    12     141
112    1    88    8    200
115    12    84    8    199

99      8    84     3.5    183
90      4    83     12    173
212    9    82    20     294


$2 Pick 3    $520.00         3-1-8
$2 Pick 4    $1,207.00        3-3-1-8

6th – 7fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

150    2    99     4.5    249
164    6    95     4    259
145    8    93    6     238
167    12   92    20     259
212    7    92    20     304
193    4    92    20    285
193    1A  91    15    284
177    14  91    12     268
193    10  91    50    284
133    3    87    12    220
209    11  86    20     295
300    1   0    15    300

222    5    0    12    222
147    13    0    12    147


$2 Pick 3    $4,773.00         1-8-1

7th – 9fTurf

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

59    3    90     12    149
60    5    86    4.5     146
86    10   85    10    171
66    6    85    8    151
56    4    85    3     141
75    7    85    6     160
59    1    84    12    143
38    8    83    15     121
106   2    81    4    187
51    9    79    20    130


$2 Pick 3    $3,388.00         8-11-8

8th – 6fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

279    3  101   4.5  380
321    7    98   15  419
273    2    98   4    371
246    1   97   6   343
251    4   97  15   348

236    5   95    3     331


$2 Pick 3    $2,425.00         11-8-5

9th – 9fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

49    3    95     15    144
47    6    93     8    140
40    1    92     0.5    132
86    4    92    5     178
65    5    90    10     155
83    7    85    20     168


$2 Pick 3    $77.00         8-5-1

10th – 9fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

5      1     103    3    108
41    6    97    12     138
108  11   95    20    203
61    4    94    20    155
51    3    93    5     144
58    2    87    4     145
54    5    87    15    141
54    7    87    10    141
50    9    87    10     137
66    8    86    10     152
78    10    85    6    163


$2 Pick 3    $30.80         5-1-1
$2 Pick 4    $442.50        8-5/6-1/2-1

11th – 5.5fTurf  

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

368    7    97    8     465
405    4    97    30    502

328    5    95    15     423
298    1    94     4    392
313    6    92    6     405
305    9    92    10    397
309    12    91    20    400
297    8      89     12    386
310    3      89    15     399
299    11    89    5    388
294    10    88    20    382

274    2      88     3.5    362


$2 Pick 3    $173.50         1-1-8



A very high percentage of these first time starters, win and hit the board for exotics, especially when fields are weak or chaotic. For races that include a coupled entry, the program #’s may be different from the post positions listed here.


Ability-X – Saratoga 7/28/2008  Monday – The horses are listed in order of early speed, and that is the rating on the right. The Ability-X rating is at left. First time starters or foreign shippers are listed in green and their ratings are notable at 150+.

1st – 9fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

71      1     94   1.6    165
104    7    91    6     195
80      3    91     8    171
101    5    90    10     191
64      4    88     3    152
93      6    88    4     181
65      2    83     30    148



2nd – 6fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

426    1    99     2.5    525
362    7    98    8     460
365    2    97    5    462
334    2B    95    5    429

342    1A    95    2.5     437
288    10    93     4.5    381
400    9    93    50     493
341    6    92    12    433

321    4    91    20     412
138    5    0     12    138
8    0     8    184


3rd – 7fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

145    2    100   2.5    245
166    4    95    4     261
158    5    92    1.6     250
194    1    90    12     284

150    3    87     3.5    237


$2 Pick 3    $140.00         3-10-5

4th – 8.5fTurf     

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

56      6    87     20    143
104    3X    86  3.5    190
100    2    85    5     185
101    8    84    15     185
109    5    84    10    193
103    1    84    4.5    187

103    7    84    15     187
73     9    82     2    155
80    3    82    3.5     162
98    4    82    20    180


$2 Pick 3    $881.00         10-5-7

5th – 5.5fTurf  

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

406    7    97     12    503
393    8    94    20     487
294    5    86    12    380
164    1    0    8     164
132    2    0    20    132
164    3    0    3    164
176    4    0    15    176
183    6   
0     15    183

140    9    0    4    140
123    10    0    12    123
146    11    0    8    146
12    0     6    211


$2 Pick 3    $1,016.00         5-7-12
$2 Pick 4    $6,863.00        10-5-7-12

6th – 8.5fTurf

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

93      4     86    5    179
112    8    86    4     198
120    10  86    8    206
132    11  84    50    216

130    9    83    3     213
124    5    83     3.5    207
135    7    82    15     217
138    3    80    4    218
134    2    0    15     134
166    6    0    15    166


7th – 5.5fTurf  

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

343    10    99     8    442
362    1    98    50     460
295    4    96    8     391
322    2    91    6     413
323    11    90    8     413
328    7    90    10     418
265    9    89    2.5     354
381    8    88    30     469
288    5    86    5    374
123    3    0    8     123
139    6    0    12    139


8th – 7fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

178    7    100   10    278
209    1    98    5     307
156    3    96    3     252
106    2    93    4     199
168    4    93    12    261
147    6    92    6    239
159    8    90    12    249

154    9    88    15     242
169    5    87     5    256


9th – 6.5fD

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

275    7    100    4.5     375
280    4    99    3.5    379

266    6    96    5     362
240    3    95     2.5    335
228    5    94     3    322
244    2    93    10    337

283    1    93    20     376


$2 Pick 3    $3,496.00         11-9-5

10th – 8.5fTurf-Off

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp

117    11    89     4    206
143    6    89    30     232
108    12    88    8    196
125    4    85    10     210
123    2    82    10     205
130    1    82    12    212

116    7    81    30     197


$2 Pick 3    $3,175.00         9-5-7


11th –  

# POST  ErlSpd / ML/Comp



A very high percentage of these first time starters, win and hit the board for exotics, especially when fields are weak or chaotic. For races that include a coupled entry, the program #’s may be different from the post positions listed here.

Additionally, check out this article on shopfront installers. Continue reading at to learn more about it.


Your satisfaction is guaranteed,

Get your spot today!

Reserve for any weekend $399, and you can attend every racing day!

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We will be winning at Keeneland.



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Lastest Update – 9/13/08 Jon D. Luman