If you will declare your rights and freedom…You’ll find that you’ve always had them!
In 1996, I declared my freedom from federal taxation. I had studied and dug for any lawful argument against my understanding. My understanding being that federal jurisdiction does not, by law, extend within the several states. Still, I thought that there must be something that requires millions of Americans to send their future to Washington D.C. for re-distribution. Since it would be the duty of various federal officials to set me straight, if I were incorrect in my position, I served my position on them and required them to refute it ( if they could do so lawfully ). That way, I could finally know what law requires me to pay tax on my income. These are the people from whom I sought rebuttal:
- U.S. President Bill Clinton / George W. Bush
- Vice President Al Gore / Dick Cheney
- U.S. Senator – GA Paul Coverdell / Zell Miller / Max Cleland
- U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
- U.S. Congressman Mac Collins
- U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno / John Ashcroft
- U.S. Secretary of Treasury Robert Rubin / Paul Henry O’Neill
- U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist
- U.S. FBI Director Louis Freeh
- U.S. Secretary of Commerce Mickey Cantor / Don Evans
- U.S. Social Security Commissioner Shirley S. Chater / William A. Halter
- U.S. IRS Commissioner Margaret Richardson / Charles O. Rossotti
- Plus, all the officials of the STATE OF GEORGIA, and HENRY COUNTY GEORGIA
Amazingly enough, I got back no rebuttal, no correction, no citation of any applicable law that would place me under the jurisdiction of title 26 taxation (because there isn’t one). It seems that if you take the courage to take up the proper position guaranteed to you by the Constitution, these people have nothing to say about it. It seems that they can only disregard the Constitution as long as you will also.
The silence of this group stands as an affirmation that our Declaration of Independence and Constitution are still sound and very much in effect, you can also know the true freedom that they provide. Liberty Letter will show you how.
Start enjoying freedom,
The TaxBuster custom package comes to you ready to send, All affidavits and forms are filled out for you with your information and officials Federal, state, and local. All lookup, and preparation of service list is done for you, ready for you to mail.
We will contact you for city, county, state info, Once order is received.